From 1999 through 2011, I worked full-time for a small, family-owned company that specialized in Automotive Advertising & Promotions. As our company president always told people, "We are to advertising what M*A*S*H is to surgery." We were down and dirty, in and out, the goal being to SELL, SELL, SELL and get people excited about buying a new (or new to them) vehicle. This is where I honed my expertise in all things print...newspaper ads, inserts, direct mail, specialty pieces...and started to dabble in web design and social media.
Newspaper Ad For Every Hyundai Dealer In Canada - 05/13
Sam Swope Tri-Fold Mailer 02/2013 - Inside
Sam Swope Tri-Fold Mailer 02/2013 - Outside
DeNooyer Newspaper Ad 09/18/11
Hoover Mitsubishi Letter 07/11/11
DeNooyer Newspaper Ad 07/10/11
DeNooyer Newspaper Ad 07/03/11
Hoover Newspaper Ad 06/29/11
Brantford Chrysler Dodge Jeep Newspaper Ad 06/17/11
Ken Dixon Insert 06/11 Side 1
Ken Dixon Insert 06/11 Side 2
Ken Dixon Newspaper Ad 05/18/11
Grindstaff Newspaper Ad 05/13/11
DeNooyer Newspaper Ad 05/08/11
Bob Johnson Newspaper Ad 05/07/11
Sisk Auto Mall Letter 05/11
Carolina Chrysler Dodge Jeep Letter 05/11
Speedway Letter 05/11
Edwards Automotive Letter 04/11
Waldorf Auto Outlet Newspaper Ad 03/23/11
Duke Automotive Letter 02/11
Ken Dixon Newspaper Ad 02/23/11
Rocky Top Newspaper Ad 02/18/11
DeNooyer Newspaper Ad 02/13/11
DeNooyer Newspaper Ad 01/23/11
Sunridge RV Newspaper Ad 01/27/11
Walker Kia Letter 01/11